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Brockton's Radio &  Television Digest contains 20 pages is printed in black and white and has 1 page extra insertion called Retro-Views Old Time Radio in Review by Elizabeth McLeod about the Lone Ranger program.  Articles include:  Get to Kow Our Distinguished Guests (Biographies of the  stars), The Radio Players, Producers , Staff et all, Friday Radio Show Timetable & Best Bets for Friday. listing of shows, Local TIC Broadcasting Systems Features, Saturday Radio Shows, Local Saturday Features, About the Peg Lynch Scholarship, Radio Classics Director's Award, Dediction to Neil Midman, Feature:  The Radio Collectors of America, In the Spotlight--Alan Chapman, Why Call Them Classics?, Special Thanks, A Touch of Hutch and Information Booth.  We only have 2 of these available.

Brockton Radio & Television Digest Special Edition May 5 & 6, 1950

    A Masked Man, An Indian and Me.jpg

    A Masked Man, An Indian and Me is written by Fred Foy before his death in 2010 and not published until 2018.  


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